Sparks View Farm offers but is not limited to services such as Boarding, Breeding, Breaking, LayUp, Quarantine, Sales Prep, Sales Consignment (limited) & Retirement Options.
Boarding: Sparks View Farm has 48 stalls in 3 barns on 170 acres
Breeding: Sparks View Farm will van your mare to the breeding shed day or night. Independent carriers only used as needed.
Breaking: Sparks View Farm has a 20 stall training barn with a shed row, just like being at the race track. Sparks View has a 45 - 60 day breaking program based on the individual.
LayUp: Services based on the needs of the individual.
Sales Prep: Sparks View Farm has prepped horses for many consignors over the years. We have worked with consignors such as Brookdale, Denali, Hill 'n' Dale, and Three Chimney's.
Sales Consignment: Services are limited so please contact for more information.
Retirement Options: Services based on the needs of the individual.